For an in-depth overview of any of the functions, please view the PSec GEARS Help file that accompanies the installation.
- PD.ReadFile:
- Retrieve data from a file based on the specified File Configuration.
Data Analytics
- PQ.AreCointegrated:
- Performs a test for cointegration between two time (or more) series. Please see the documentation for more information on this function.
- PQ.AutoCorrel:
- Gets the auto-correlation of the elements of an array.
- PQ.Correl:
- Calculates the Pearson correlation coefficient. Returns a single value for two arrays and a square matrix for more.
- PQ.CorrelDebiased:
- Calculates a symmetrical Correlation matrix by employing a cleaning scheme aimed at reducing the sampling error arising from the non-representativeness of the sample taken.
- PQ.Covar:
- Calculates a symmetrical Covariance matrix. Returns a single value for two arrays and a square symmetrical matrix if the first paramater is a matrix.
- PQ.CovarDebiased:
- Calculates a symmetrical Covariance matrix by employing a cleaning scheme aimed at reducing the sampling error arising from the non-representativeness of the sample taken.
- PQ.CovarianceLedoitWolf:
- Generates Ledoit Wolf shrinkage covariance matrix.
- PQ.Entropy:
- Calculates an estimation of differential entropy on empirical data using k-d partitioning described by Stowell and Plumbley (2009).
- PQ.HierarchicalCluster:
- Performs hierarchical cluster analysis on a given dataset.
- PQ.IsStationary:
- Performs a unit root test for stationarity on a series of residual values. It tests the null hypothesis of a unit root present in the time-series, so in simple terms, it checks whether a time series is mean reverting or not.
- PQ.JarqueBeraTest:
- The Jarque-Bera test of normality.
- PQ.Kurtosis:
- Calculates the kurtosis of a distribution.
- PQ.LoessFilter:
- Computes the Loess smoothed series.
- PQ.LowessFilter:
- Computes the Lowess smoothed series (LOcally WEighted Scatterplot Smoothing).
- PQ.MeansBayesStein:
- Generates row vector of Bayes Stein Means.
- PQ.MeansJamesStein:
- Generates row vector of James Stein Means.
- PQ.MultiVarRegression:
- Multivariate regression analysis.
- PQ.MultiVarRegressionDebiased:
- Multivariate regression analysis using a debiased Covariance matrix.
- Principal component analysis.
- PQ.RegressionVPE:
- Calculates variance proportion explained of a regression.
- PQ.Skewness:
- Calculates the skewness of a distribution.
- PQ.SmoothingIndex:
- Provides a normalised measure of liquidity risk.
- PQ.SavitskyGolaySmoother:
- Computes Savitsky-Golay smoothed time series.
- PE.BS:
- Values an European option with a continuous dividend yield using the standard Black Scholes formula.
- PE.BS_ImpVol:
- Find the implied volatility for a given premium of an European option with a continuous dividend yield, assuming the standard Black Scholes formula.
- PE.BSfutures:
- Values an option on a future using the Black Scholes formula. Risk Free Rate and Dividend Yield set to zero. Used to value SAFEX and Yield-X options on futures.
- PE.BSfutures_ImpVol:
- Find the implied volatility for a given premium of an option on a future.
- PE.BSmultiDiv:
- Values an European option with multiple discrete dividends using either the Escrowed Dividend model or the Bos-Vandermark model.
- PE.DoubleBarrier_IK:
- Prices a double barrier option using the Ikeda-Kuntomo approach.
- PE.DoubleStepBarrier:
- Calculates the price of a Double Step Barrier option by means of a Monte-Carlo simulation.
- PE.DoubleStepBarrier_LV:
- Calculates the price of a Double Step Barrier option by means of a Monte-Carlo simulation and using a local volatility approach.
- PE.FirstThenBarrier:
- Calculates the price of First-Then-Barrier Option using the design of Haug (1998).
- PE.ForwardPrice:
- Calculates the forward price of a discrete dividend paying stock for a given constant risk free rate to expiry.
- PE.ForwardPrice_Curve:
- Calculates the forward price of a discrete dividend paying stock for a given risk free yield curve.
- PE.LookbackAsian:
- Asian Lookback Put Spread.
- PE.Parisian:
- Pricing of Parisian options using Monte Carlo simulation.
- PE.Reservoir:
- Pricing of Reservoir options using Monte Carlo simulation.
- PE.SingleBarrier:
- Pricing standard single European barrier options.
- PE.SingleStepBarrier:
- Calculates the price of a Single Step Barrier option by means of a Monte-Carlo simulation.
- PE.SingleStepBarrier_LV:
- Calculates the price of a Single Step Barrier option by means of a Monte-Carlo simulation and using a local volatility approach.
Financial Analysis
- Dividend Discount Model: Calculates the shareholder value per share given forecasted dividends.
- Calculates the Free Cash Flow to Equity of a company.
- Calculates the annual Free Cash Flow to Firm.
- Calculation of Total Return Decomposition. Can input discrete dividends or dividend yield. Can input discrete earnings or PE Ratio.
- Calculates the Weighted Average Cost of Capital. WACC is the average rate of return a company is expected to pay its security holders to finance the company's assets.
Fixed Income
- PF.AllinCurve:
- Calculates the allin price of a listed bond by valuing the bond's cash flows using a specified yield curve.
- PF.AltmanZScore:
- Calculates the probability of default of a firm.
- PF.AssetSwap:
- Calculates Asset Swap Outputs.
- PF.BondCPI:
- Performs various calculations on inflation linked bonds.
- PF.BondData:
- Looks up a specified property from the bond data file for a specified bond.
- PF.BondFRN:
- Finds the value of a floating rate note, listed or unlisted.
- PF.BondFuture:
- Calculates a future yield on a given listed fixed coupon bond to achieve a future price if the coupons are reinvested at the specified risk free rate until expiry.
- PF.BondOption:
- Values a bond option using the standard Black Scholes formula.
- PF.BondV:
- Performs various calculations on vanilla bonds.
- PF.BreakEvenInflation:
- Calculates the amount of average inflation required for the total return of an inflation linked bond to equal the total return of a vanilla bond between two given dates.
- PF.ConvertibleBond:
- Calculates the value of a convertible bond using the approach of Chambers and Lu (2007).
- PF.CouponFlow:
- Decomposes a bond into its future coupons that will be received from the specified settlement date to the bond's maturity (according to the JSE's Bond Pricing Specification).
- Looks up the Consumer Price Index for a specified date.
- PF.CPI3MonthLag:
- Looks up the Consumer Price Index with a 3 month lag from a specified date.
- PF.FindYield_Allin:
- Returns the required yield to achieve a given rounded all-in price for a vanilla bond.
- PF.FindYield_TR:
- Returns the required end yield to achieve a given total return on a vanilla bond.
- PF.MertonModel:
- Calculates the value of a firm's equity at time t.
- PF.MixedRate_BondCodes:
- Returns all the Mixed Rate Notes bond codes listed on the JSE.
- PF.MixedRate_Legs:
- Returns the number of legs for a Mixed Rate Note listed on the JSE.
- PF.MixedRateNote:
- Returns reference data for a Mixed Rate Notes listed on the JSE.
- Returns the MTM valuations and other instrument related information for all the JSE listed debt instruments.
- PF.MTM_BondCodes:
- Returns all the bond codes for instruments the JSE publishes MTM valuations.
- PF.MTM_Outputs:
- Returns all the Output fields that are available for retrieval through the PF.MTM and PF.MTM_Range function.
- PF.MTM_Range:
- Returns the MTM valuations and other instrument related information for all the JSE listed debt instruments.
- PF.OhlsonOScore:
- Calculates Ohlson O-Score for financial distress.'
- PF.PrefShare:
- Provides Pref-Share data for a specified date and instrument.'
- PF.PVdownCurve:
- Calculates the present value of a given set of cash flows by discounting it using a specified yield curve.
- PF.Rates:
- Looks up a specified interest rate (e.g. 3 month Jibar, 6 month Jibar, etc.) for a given date.
- PF.Swap:
- Performs various SWAP calculations and measures.
- PF.TotalReturn_ActualAndAvgInf:
- Calculates the total return for an inflation linked bond using a combination of historical inflation figures going backwards and an average inflation figure going forwards to gross up the coupons.
- PF.TotalReturn_ActualInf:
- Calculates the total return for an inflation linked bond using actual inflation figures to gross up the coupons.
- PF.TotalReturn_AvgInf:
- Calculates the total return for an inflation linked bond using an average inflation figure to gross up the coupons.
- PF.TotalReturn_V:
- Calculates the total return for a vanilla bond between a specified start and end date.
- PF.YieldCurve:
- Calculates a zero curve (NACC) for a given set of deposits and listed vanilla bonds.
- PF.YieldCurveConstituents:
- Returns the set of inputs used by the JSE to construct zero-coupon yield curves.
- PF.YieldCurveJSE:
- Returns the zero-coupon yield curves as constructed and published by the JSE.
- PF.YieldCurveLookup:
- Returns an interest rate corresponding to a particular point in time on the JSE yield curve.
- PF.ZeroCurve2Par:
- Calculates a par curve (in NACC) for a given zero curve (in NACC) and returns a par yield vector associated with the given zero curve's term vector.
Portfolio Analytics
- PQ.AlphaJensen:
- Calculates alpha, the excess return adjusted for systematic risk.
- PQ.AlphaNet:
- Net alpha is the remaining alpha after deducting the amount of return required to justify not being fully diversified.
- PQ.AppraisalRatio:
- Appraisal ratio is the Jensen's alpha adjusted for specific risk. The numerator is divided by specific risk instead of total risk.
- PQ.BernardoLedoitRatio:
- Is a special case of the Omega ratio where the hurdle rate is zero.
- PQ.Beta:
- Returns the beta of a portfolio to a benchmark.
- PQ.ContributionToRisk:
- Calculates risk contributions per asset.
- PQ.CorrelationToBasket:
- Calculates correlation to basket per asset.
- Calculates uniform or weighted Cross-Sectional Volatility (CSV) as well as attribution of the same on a given set of cross asset returns and, optionally, corresponding weights.
- PQ.CumulativeReturns:
- Generates a per asset cumulative returns matrix from a price or returns matrix.
- PQ.CVaR:
- Returns the Conditional Value-at-Risk for a given set of returns and hurdle rate (i.e. n-th percentile).
- PQ.DivDelta:
- Calculates the diversification delta of a portfolio given its underlying constituents and weightings.
- PQ.DownsideFrequency:
- Calculates the downside frequency.
- PQ.DownsideStats:
- Calculates the specified downside statistic of a portfolio below a minimum acceptable return.
- Calculates the Effective Number of Bets (ENB) of a portfolio given its underlying constituents and weightings.
- Returns the Economic Performance Measure (EPM) for a given set of returns and risk free rate.
- PQ.FamaBeta:
- Beta used to calculate the loss of diversification.
- PQ.HI:
- Calculates the Herfindahl Index (HI) of a portfolio given the weights of its underlying constituents.
- Calculates the Intra-portfolio Correlation (IPC) of a portfolio given its underlying constituents and weightings.
- PQ.IR:
- Returns the annualised information ratio of a portfolio to a benchmark.
- PQ.Kappa:
- Generalised downside risk-adjusted performance measure.
- PQ.KellyRatio:
- Calculates Kelly ratio (leverage or bet size) for a strategy.
- PQ.MarketTiming:
- Estimates parameters of Treynor-Mazuy or Merton-Henriksson market timing model.
- PQ.MaxDrawDown:
- Calculate maximum drawdown for a price series.
- PQ.MaxGain:
- Calculate maximum gain for a price series.
- PQ.MeanAbsoluteDeviation:
- Mean absolute deviation of the return distribution.
- PQ.MSquared:
- Calculates the Modigliani-Modigliani or the Sortino Modigliani-Modigliani squared measure of the return distribution.
- PQ.MSquaredExcess:
- Calculates the risk-adjusted return in excess of the benchmark return.
- PQ.MultivarReturns:
- Generate correlated multivariate returns with specified moments.
- PQ.Omega:
- Returns the Omega ratio for a given set of returns.
- PQ.OmegaSharpeRatio:
- Converts Omega ratio into a ranking statistic in the Sharpe form.
- Calculates the Portfolio Diversification Index (PDI) for a portfolio of asset returns.
- PQ.PortfolioReturns:
- Portfolio Return Calculator. Calculates portfolio returns over a period given user-supplied weights, transaction costs, and dividend yield.
- PQ.PortfolioRisk:
- Calculates the risk of a portfolio using asset returns and weight.
- PQ.PortOpt:
- NOTE: This function is in BETA testing! Use this function to construct an Efficient Frontier. It minimizes volatility under possible constraints by targeting a specified return.
- PQ.ProspectRatio:
- Performance measure used to penalise loss.
- PQ.RandomPortfolio:
- Generates random portfolios.
- PQ.ReturnAnnualised:
- Calculates average annualised return.
- PQ.ReturnAnnualisedExcess:
- Calculates an average annualised excess return.
- PQ.ReturnsGeltner:
- Removes estimation or liquidity bias in return series that exhibit autocorrelation or illiquidity effects.
- PQ.ReturnsRelative:
- Calculates the ratio of the cumulative performance for two assets through time.
- PQ.RiskDecomposition:
- Calculates three components of risk: specific, systematic, and total.
- PQ.SharpeRatio:
- Returns the Sharpe ratio for a given set of returns and risk-free rate.
- PQ.SharpeRatioAdjusted:
- Adjusted Sharpe ratio adjusts for skewness and kurtosis by incorporating a penalty factor for negative skewness and excess kurtosis.
- PQ.SharpeRatioRealised:
- Calculates the realised annualised Sharpe ratio.
- PQ.SkewnessKurtosisRatio:
- Skewness-Kurtosis ratio is the division of Skewness by Kurtosis.
- PQ.Sortino:
- Calculates the Sortino ratio.
- PQ.StandardDeviationAnnualised:
- Calculate a annualised Standard Deviation.
- PQ.TE:
- Returns the tracking error of a portfolio to a benchmark.
- PQ.TreynorRatio:
- Calculates the Treynor or Modified Treynor ratio.
- PQ.UpDownRatios:
- Measures performance in up and down markets.
- PQ.UpsideFrequency:
- Calculates the upside frequency of returns.
- PQ.UpsidePotentialRatio:
- Returns the upside potential ratio of a portfolio given a minimum acceptable return.
- PQ.UpsideStats:
- Returns the specified upside statistic of a portfolio above a minimum acceptable return.
- PQ.VaR:
- Returns the Value-at-Risk for a given set of returns at the n-th percentile.
- PQ.VariabilitySkewness:
- The ratio of the upside risk compared to the downside risk.
- PQ.VolatilitySkewness:
- The ratio of the upside variance compared to the downside variance.
- PQ.WE:
- Calculates the Weight Entropy (WE) of a portfolio given the weights of its underlying constituents.
- PT.AddMonths:
- Returns a Date that adds the specified number of months to the specified Date parameter.
- PT.AddWorkDays:
- Add x amount of work days to a specified date.
- PT.BusinessDay:
- Calculates a date using a variety of business day conventions.
- PT.Concat:
- Concatenates the elements of a vector, separated by delimiter, into a single string value.
- PT.Contains:
- Evaluates whether a range or matrix contains a specified value.
- PT.ConvertRates:
- Converts a given interest rate from one compounding convention to another.
- PT.DayOfWeek:
- Returns the day of the week for the specified date in either a full (e.g. Monday) or abbreviated (e.g. Mon) format.
- PT.Distinct:
- Returns a distinct list of values in a range. Empty cells and cells containing errors will be ignored.
- PT.Interpolate:
- Performs linear or cubic spline interpolation.
- PT.IsPublicHoliday:
- Checks if the specified date is a South African public holiday.
- PT.IsWeekend:
- Checks if the specified date falls on a weekend or not.
- PT.IsWorkDay:
- Checks if the specified date is a workday. Takes weekends and public holidays into account.
- PT.ModifiedFollowing:
- Returns a date after applying the modified following date convention on the specified date.
- PT.Now:
- Gets the current server date and time.
- PT.NrWorkDays:
- Returns the number of whole working days between (and including) the StartDate and EndDate.
- PT.PHDesc:
- Returns a description of the holiday if the specified date is a South African public holiday.
- PT.Sort:
- Sorts an array in either ascending or descending order. Follows the sorting conventions of the Excel tool bar Sort function.
- PT.Split:
- Splits a string on a specified delimiter and returns either the element with the specified index or a column vector of all the elements of the string.
- PT.Today:
- Gets the current server date.
- PT.WorkDays:
- Returns the business days between two dates, excluding weekends and South African public holidays.